
At Table

I've just started the latest endeavor in hand stitching that will most likely do me in. A table cloth is a very large piece of fabric. However, the inspiration has taken me and it is now almost a compulsion to finish it. A gift of thanks to my dear, darling mother for her unending help and in payment for the loss of an old tablecloth at my elaborate scheme of a dinner party.

The party was a glorious success, as I hope my bit of cloth will be. Something to eat on and spill on, argue, laugh, sip, ponder and just be, a tablecloth that becomes apart of your daily life is just as special as the beat-up table underneath.
Why shouldn't such beauty be used everyday? Why must the mundane be made drearier by reserving beautiful things for the rare special occasion? Perhaps my expensive taste is getting out of control, but...I like pretty things.



I am a failure of a blogger.


The shirt off my back

I've certainly been excited over a luscious skein of yarn or a beautiful piece of fabric, but this new venture has me eying grubby old t-shirts with a "Well, hello there..."
This involves stencils and snipping and paint and some very therapeutic hand stitching. I was inspired by and am still mildly obsessed with this book.

Having exhausted my own drawer of t-shirts, I was tempted to rifle through the rest of the house, looking for anything cotton jersey. But I restrained my klepto inclined behavior and went to Goodwill instead. With their never ending supply of castoff shapeless sacks of cotton, I will be able to support my habit of destroying and then reshaping things.
I recently started an epic project in this vein that I will share later; but here is a sample of the simpler things I've worked on - this, among a few other, similar re-purposing/updating projects is what I've been crafting lately.

This particular project is a bandana. I cut two old t-shirts into two big triangles, the top layer is stenciled on then the two layers are stitched together following the edge of the stencil. Then I cut through the top layer in the pattern to let the underneath peek through. You can see how the possibilities are quite endless.


First Project:

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